MISSION: Giving Children Hope & Purpose For The Future.
OPERATION OF THE HOME: The Home is a private, non-profit, 501 (c) (3) corporation operated under the auspices of a Board of Directors elected by the Presbyterian Church, licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
FUNDING SOURCES: PCHH accepts public funds associated with placements from departments of social services or juvenile court services, special fund raising events, donations from churches (Presbyterian and other denominations), individuals, civic groups, companies, the United Way, as well as grants from private foundations for specific projects.
WHO RECEIVES CARE: Children and youth, ages 5-17.
CARE PROVIDED: Room & board, medical care, medication management, therapy, vocational training, recreational opportunities, spiritual & religious opportunities and a well-trained staff providing a caring & nurturing environment.
TYPICAL CASE PROBLEMS: Personal and family crisis, personal or family dysfunction, maladjustment, emotional disturbance, and neglect.
SERVICES AREA: Commonwealth of Virginia, mostly the nineteen counties in the Appalachian Region of Virginia (west of Roanoke).
STAFF: Nineteen full-time employees and four part-time employees including houseparents, caseworker, maintenance workers, food service workers, night monitors, administrative staff as well as seasonal help (tutors, lifeguards, etc.). Therapists are provided through our relationship with the Mount Rogers Community Services Board.
HISTORY: Began in 1919 by Presbyterian churches of Abingdon Presbytery at Foster Falls (about 20 minutes south on I-77 from Wytheville). Moved to the Wytheville campus in 1962.
FACILITIES: Main campus has 89 acres on Highway 21-South on the outskirts of Wytheville, across the hill from the golf club and high school. PCHH currently operates three residential cottages – a girls cottage, a boys cottage, and an independent living program for young men. The campus houses a chapel, maintenance garage, skills center, academic center, administrative offices, on-call house, outdoor basketball court, softball field, pond and creek for fishing, and refreshing places for reflection. The McGavock Center houses our on-campus school, school administrative offices, library, gymnasium, kitchen, and dining hall.
WEB SITE: http://www.pchh.org