Covenant Churches
A Covenant Church promises to:
Promote news of the Children’s Home ministry through newsletters, displays, and other sharing methods.
Provide prayer support for the residents, staff, and activities of the Home.
Encourage members to visit the campus to learn more about the ministry first-hand.
Participate in the Home’s activities as time and circumstances allow.
Financially support this ministry with an annual unrestricted gift. This can be as a line item in the church’s budget, church group project, special designations of Sunday School offerings, Vacation Bible School offering, and/or other creative ways.
For our Covenant Churches, PCHH promises to:
Apply all its energy and efforts to meet its mission of “Giving Children Hope & Purpose for the Future” with a safe place where each resident can recover, heal, and press forward with the unfortunate circumstances that bring them to us.
Continually share news about the ministry through its newsletters, web site, presentations, and special events.
Welcome members to the campus with open arms and enlightening tours.
Provide speakers to groups, classes, and/or individuals with presentations about the ministry.
Appropriately recognize your commitment in our Board room and in our newsletter.
We are honored to be considered for your support. By joining together in this Covenant, we become partners with you in ministry serving these children in crisis.
Insert downloadable Guardian Angel Covenant here…

A Covenant Church is a body of believers that officially partners with us in meeting our mission of “Giving Children Hope & Purpose for the Future.”
This is one way God uses to perpetuate this ministry to children in crisis as well as bless the partners. Prayer, financial support, and sharing your commitment to children in crisis makes a difference in the quality and quantity of assistance we can provide to children in need within our reach.